
A unique platform


A digitalised Business Design approach in 5-steps, to help you validate the potential of your project.

Plateforme Lance ton idée

5-steps method

Bonus tools




I present my project in a very short time to convince anyone.




I describe how my activity will create value in the 9 Business Model Canvas boxes.

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I analyze the strengths and weaknesses of my project as well as the opportunities and threats of my environment.



Strategy Canevas 

Based on Blue Ocean Strategy, I compare my solution to existing solutions.




I invite my team, I discuss live and I work simultaneously.




I upload and download any document related to my project.


Follow up

I define my action plan and make sure I follow it.

A simple, intuitive and efficient path to follow.

    • 1. Complete forms
    • 2. Visualise results on dashboards
    • 3. Analyse informations and define actions to be taken



0 €

+ Access to first 2 platform modules:

✔️ Step 1: Legitimacy

✔️ Step 2: Desirability

✔️ Access to bonus: Business Model Canvas, SWOT, strategy self-evaluation, impact self-evaluation


400 € ex-VAT

✔️ Training within a class of 5 project owners: 12 hours over 6 weeks + Vianeo Certified Expert

+ Access to all modules of the platform:

✔️ Step 1: Legitimacy

✔️ Step 2: Desirability

✔️ Access to bonuses: Business Model Canvas, SWOT, strategy self-evaluation, CSR impact self-evaluation

✔️ Step 3: Acceptability

✔️ Step 4: Feasibility

✔️ Step 5: Viability


starting at

1 400 € ex-VAT

✔️ Individual and personalized training:  from 8, 12 to 16 hours + support of Vianeo Certified Expert

+ Access to all modules of the platform:

✔️ Step 1: Legitimacy

✔️ Step 2: Desirability

✔️ Access to bonuses: Business Model Canvas, SWOT, strategy self-evaluation, CSR impact self-evaluation

✔️ Step 3: Acceptability

✔️ Step 4: Feasibility

✔️ Step 5: Viability